Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events selection


The members of the team reviewed numerous papers for numerous international conferences.


Member of the editorial boards
  • Advances in Mathematics of Communications: Xiaoyun Wang

  • Journal of Cryptology: Phong Nguyen and Xiaoyun Wang

  • Journal of Mathematical Cryptology: Phong Nguyen

  • Natural Science Review: Xiaoyun Wang

Reviewer - Reviewing activities

The members of the team reviewed numerous papers for numerous journals.

Invited talks

Phong Nguyen gave several invited talks:

  • [13] at the Workshop on the Mathematics of Lattices and Cybersecurity, at ICERM in the USA.

  • at the Workshop on cryptography based on elliptic curves and lattices, organized by Beijing University in China.

Research administration

Phong Nguyen was the European director of LIAMA until Oct. 2015, and is now the French director of JFLI (Japanese-French Laboratory for Informatics).